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Making your idea a reality

Whether you are starting a food truck or hotel business, we are excited for you.

We identify legal considerations, help you determine business priorities, and offer you options for moving forward. In many cases, a consultation is all you need. In other cases, we can do the hands on work for you.

From idea to fruition, we desire to be part of the process with you. Because we too are excited about your entrepreneurial journey. 


Buying business

So you saw a business that you would like to take over? You like the idea and it is within your ability to run the business. Don't hesitate, trust your gut.

But, you must be educated about the numbers and the risks. Due diligence is crucial - you don't want to get into a business that only has liabilities and no potential. 

From financials to customer service, to restraining the seller from running the same business next door. We will protect you and empower you throughout the processes. We make sure that you are confident to take over the business.


Selling your business, retiring, selling I.P.

Maybe you are tired of running the business, or found something bigger or better to venture into, or you have made enough and wanted to retire.

Speak to us. Let's explore what options are available. What are you selling, what aren't you selling? The contract we prepare has to protect your interest and from any future risks.

We also want to make sure you are being paid fairly for the business that you have built.


It's not just 'location, location, location'

We will assist whether it is a new lease, sub-lease or transfer of lease. You will be bound for years with your future landlord or tenant, so it is important to make sure that the lease terms are in your favour, or otherwise fair and reasonable. 

Location, location, location - yes it is important. But it is also important to have a good landlord/tenant, and an agreement that does not impose unnecessary restrictions on your business.

So don't neglect:

'documentation, documentation, documentation'.



Partnering up with others

Yes two heads are better than one in business: that's how Jobs and Wozniak, Procter and Gamble, the Wright Brothers, Gates and Allen attained successes. 

But not all duos are all that great.

Zuckerberg and Saverin didn't end well. The Beatles were a disaster too. Should there be a properly defined partnership and joint venture, none of them needed to go to court.

Tell your friend, let's be realistic and do what we can now to prevent the fights.

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